Shakira is under investigation for a second time over the tax fraud in Spain

An arbitrator in Barcelona has launched a new investigation into the tax fraud alleged by Grammy-winning artist Shakira, an official from a Spanish court said on Thursday.

An investigating magistrate from the Barcelona suburb of Esplugues de Llobregat “has opened an investigation that is based upon a complaint brought by prosecutors against singer Shakira for two allegations” that relate to tax fraud in the year 2018 The Higher Court of Justice of Catalonia press office announced in an announcement.

She is being tried for tax evasion amounting to $16.2 million in 2012, 2013, and 2014.

The Colombian-born artist lives in Miami and has previously denied the accusations of tax fraud concerning 2012-2014. her public relations company She reiterated that she was innocent on the day of her interview.

“As was said repeatedly, Shakira defends having always performed her business under the law and with the advice of the most respected tax professionals,” her public relations team emailed to CNN Thursday. Also read Kylie Jenner denies having surgery on Her “Whole Face and being an ‘insecure Child’: She claimed to love her real self.

“Now She is focused on her career and her life in Miami and is at peace and confident about the possibility of a favourable solution to her tax issues,” it added. She hasn’t yet received a formal notice of the most recent tax investigation, and she anticipates that it will be conducted in her Miami residence, according to her legal department.

On July 20, 2021, the judge in an in-court near Barcelona decided that She may be tried on charges of tax avoidance. In a decision obtained by CNN the magistrate in charge of the investigation stated that the evidence is “sufficient evidence” for an investigation into Shakira’s claims of tax evasion during 2012, 2013, and 2014.

JudgeJudge Marco Jesus Juberias argued that Shakira had spent over 200 days in Spain throughout those three years, which made her tax-paying within the nation. Also read Kevin Mitnick: The legendary computer hacker dies at 59.

In the past, Spanish news reported that her team claimed that her primary home was located in the Bahamas. However, local media reported that she lived in the Barcelona area with her former lover, Gerard Pique, the former FC Barcelona football defender.

Pique and Shakira and Shakira, who have two children, announced their split in June 2022.

The judge said Shakira, as well as a financial advisor and financial adviser, who were as well as a financial adviser, also mentioned in the ruling, employed several tax havens in offshore havens to conceal the source of her income during the time.

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